Friday, December 26, 2008

Dangers for Tourist Health

Tourists should remember the safety measures to not harm their health.

The most dangerous countries for tourists on infectious diseases it is the Central Africa, Myanma and Vietnam — there is great risk to catch a cholera. Three of Russian travellers had a rest on the river Ganges, have neglected safety requirements and have brought this illness.

Besides many countries threats to tourists with a yellow fever. Especially the republic Peru. One of known illnesses - a tropical malaria, but it is easy to be protected from it. 

The exotic countries are dangerous not only infectious diseases and stings of parasites. In many cases tourists appear victims of local kitchen which cannot naturally master an average stomach. So, one of most popular "souvenirs" that is brought by tourists from China is Kwangchow round worms. In China these parasites are widely widespread in an environment, and unprepared tourists catch them when eat crude food that is usual for local people.

After the International medicosanitary rules was accepted in the past year that operate in popular tourist places worldwide, the risk of desease has considerably decreased, as tourist agencies began to receive the exact information about epidemiological situation on resorts where their clients are going to.

The new climate and new kitchen can play with tourists a malicious joke. So, Antalia in Turkey historically is considered a great center of a cholera, and anybody — even local resort experts — can't guarantee, that there will not be a new flash of this disease on a turkish resort. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Forbes' 10 Most Dangerous Travel Destinations [2008]

  • North Korea
  • Iraq
  • Pakistan
  • Yemen
  • Afghanistan
  • Colombia
  • Republic of Congo 
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Russia
  • Israel

Safety In Zoo

Zoos always seem to tourists very attractive. Animals from visitors are separated only with a symbolical fencing or it is not absolutely. First it is very interesting, but then tourists forget about the safety.

It appears very simply to deduce from itself animals. So, in a zoo in CapeTown the ostrich has pecked the importunate tourist in an eye, and the kangaroo knocked out the photographer. The chamber has departed to one party, and the unlucky tourist - in another.

Favourite focus of visitors of zoos is to stick any large cat into a back with an umbrella that it was turned and looked, at last, in people eyes. In 2001 in the Russian zoo the boy sticked with a stick into a cell with a tiger. It has approached too close, and the tiger has rushed on a lattice in that place where there was a child. The boy tried to escape, but was hooked by clothes for the lock of a cell and has fallen into clutches an animal.

Similar, people do not realize at all, that in cells or open-air cages wild animals at all do not become safe. One unlucky woman wished to photograph a daughter near to the leopard and has put the girl closely to an open-air cage. The animal has there and then pushed a paw through rods and has hooked claws on a neck four-year-old girl. The child has been operated in the nearest hospital and this case did not become tragedy.

Feeding of animals in zoos leads to even more bloody consequences. In all zooes of the world it is repeatedly written on open-air cages: it is categorically forbidden to feed animals! First, because it is harmful to animals, in fact they have specially developed diet. And secondly, because it is unsafe for visitors, in fact predators have very fast reaction.

In a zoo-reserve of the city of Vuhan in China tourists carry on territory of dwelling of lions by the special bus. Despite of an interdiction, two tourists - mother and the son - threw chicken meat from windows of the bus to feed up the pride. Unexpectedly one of lions has rushed on the boy who has put out from a window and has strongly wounded its claws. Mother wished to help the son and too has suffered. In Novosibirsk tourist tried to feed a bear in a cell and has paid for this with her hand. 

Some travellers even climb to embrace animals. Especially "lovely" seem to visitors of zoos of the panda, but these predators very strictly protect the territory. So in the Peking zoo the 15-years teenager has got into an open-air cage of panda by name Gu-Gu and it have gnawed his both legs up to bones. By the way, the same the panda already once has successfully protected itself from an attack of the drunk tourist: Per 2006 the visitor has got to caress with «fluffy beast», but the panda has strongly bitten the man, having pulled out from its leg a piece of meat.

One more tragical case to with panda has occured in a zoo of the Guilin city. Panda Young-Young has bitten the tourist who has arrived in park with excursion and has got over through a two-meter fence around of an open-air cage. In interview the traveller has told, that simply wished to embrace the nice panda, and did not expect an attack.

But those who climbs to embrace lions, obviously wish to take part in struggle for the premium of Darwin for the silliest death. In Spain in a zoo under Alicante has suffered English woman which tried to hold a lioness: Having climbed up a 4-meter wall, traveller has stretched to it a hand. Animal has seized fingers and gnawed out all hand which has eaten on eyes of the shocked public.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

:) Travel Funny Joke

An American tourist in Moscow found himself needing to take a leak very badly. After a long search he just couldn't find anyplace to relieve himself. So he just went down one of the side streets to take care of business.

Before he could even get unzipped a Moscow police officer said, "Hey you, what are you doing?"

"I gotta go, man," replied the tourist.

"You can't go here. Look, follow me," the policeman offered.

The police officer led him to a beautiful garden with lots of grass, pretty flowers, and manicured hedges. "Here," said the cop, "whiz away."

The American shrugs, turns, unzips, and starts right on the flowers. "Ahhh. Whew. Thanks. This is very nice of you. Is this Russian courtesy?" asked the tourist.

"No. This is the American Embassy."

Monday, December 22, 2008

:) Funny Travel Insurance Story

A command of sly monkeys decided to prang the trip of newly-weds to Malaysia. A pair left open the window of their room during a day, while they went for a walk (due to the heat), but when they returned, they had found out their clothes and belongings sparse round a house and in the neighboring tropical forest. 

The couple’s insurance company were thankfully understanding and ensured they did not need to keep re-wearing the same clothes for the remainder of their trip!

Short Safety Tips for Travel Abroad

There are many things to keep in mind when traveling. You obviously don't want to lose your money. You also want to keep yourself safe. Here are some tips to follow to make your travel  safe and enjoyable in a foreign country. 

 1. Have a valid passport and all visas required for your trip. Make two copies of your passport. Keep one in a separate part of your travel luggage and the other leave with someone at home.

2. Be aware of any travel warnings for the country you are visiting. Find out about security and safety conditions in your destination.

3. Secure travel insurance!

4. Ensure you have been vaccinated against any infectious diseases prominent in the area you will be traveling to.

5. To make sure you can be contacted in case of an emergency, make a copy of your itinerary and leave it with someone at home.

6. Travel light and don’t pack valuables that you wouldn’t want to lose. Leave your jewelry at home but take an extra pair of glasses if you can’t live without them.

7. Remember you are a foreigner when you travel. You are a guest in their country and therefore should abide by their laws, and to a certain extent, their customs. For example, if you are a female traveling in an Islamic state, be considerate of your dress.  

8. Try not to bring too much attention to yourself when traveling. Don’t go out looking like a tourist with a flashy camera and expensive clothes. Try to blend into the scenery.

9. Travel in a group where possible and in well known areas. There will be times you want to get off the tourist track, so make sure you always have a traveling companion with you.

10. Only carry small amounts of cash on you. Your credit card and travelers checks will pay for most things.

11. Watch out for pickpockets! Wear a money belt and keep your purse/wallet in the front of your body. Report any loss or theft immediately to the local authorities.

12. Don’t leave your luggage unattended. Apart from having it stolen or items from it taken, you could also become an unsuspecting drug courier. 

13. If traveling with a partner, pack half your clothes in their luggage and vice versa. This way if one of you loses your luggage, you will still have some clothes.  

14. Lock your luggage and label everything. 

15. Lock your hotel room. Keep money and valuables with you, not left unattended in your room. 

16. When using public transport be aware of possible theft. If you are traveling overnight, secure your luggage and sleep on top of it if possible. It is not uncommon for tourists to be drugged while on trains and buses so don’t accept gifts of food or drink from strangers on public transport.  

If at any time you feel unsafe, whether it is on the streets or in your accommodation, get out. Follow your instincts. Stay safe when you travel by being aware of the dangers and obeying the laws of the country you are visiting. 
Stuart S. Travel

Sunday, December 21, 2008

:) A Tourist Is Traveling With A Guide

A tourist is traveling with a guide through one of the thickest jungles in Latin America, when he comes across an ancient Mayan temple. The tourist is entranced by the temple, and asks the guide for details. To this, the guide states that archaeologists are carrying out excavations, and still finding great treasures. The tourist then queries how old the temple is.

"This temple is 2503 years old", replies the guide.

Impressed at this accurate dating, he inquires as to how he gave this precise figure.

"Easy", replies the guide, "the archaeologists said the temple was 2500 years old, and that was three years ago."

Travel Safety Tips

Travel guides - source of useful information about the people and the customs of the country you’re going to visit. There are many good guides available in stores and on the Internet. But you must remember some general things that will help you avoid problems.

Learn key phrases in the language of the country you are visiting. Although residents of many countries speak some English, you’ll appear more confident, and people may be more willing to help you, if you try to speak their language.

Avoid touchy subjects in conversation. While part of the fun of travel is to exchange ideas with the locals you meet, remember that a friendly discussion on a subject such as politics, religion, and/or sex can escalate into an uncomfortable debate. If you do discuss such topics, it’s wise to first listen to others’ views rather than sharing your own.

Know what you can and cannot photograph. In some countries, it is illegal to photograph certain things (e.g., bridges, airports, religious objects, shrines). A good guidebook should warn you of such restrictions. If you are in doubt ask an official. If you wish to take pictures of local people, always ask permission first.

Do not carry, purchase, or sell any illegal drugs. Most countries punish those in possession of illegal drugs harshly. In any country, use of illegal drugs, and association with persons dealing with illegal drugs, invites danger.

Know the location of the Embassy of your own country. Embassy personnel can help you deal with most crises (e.g., reporting a robbery to the local police; obtaining medical or legal services, replacing a lost or stolen passport). It will be easier to replace your passport if you carry extra passport photos and a photocopy of the first two pages separately from your passport.

The key to a safe, enjoyable trip is advance preparation. Find out ahead of time what you need to know to ensure your safety and cope with unforeseen events so that you can relax and enjoy your trip. 

:) Funny travel stories

A night porter at the four star Holiday Club Hotel in Are, Sweden, got in trouble for signing over the hotel’s intercom. In an attempt to amuse himself and the cleaning crews, the porter sang songs containing a lot of foul and risque language. Unfortunately, many of the hotel guests also heard him and complained. Some of the guests were so upset they threatened to beat the porter up if they saw him again. The hotel paid guests $5,000 in compensation and offered free stays if they visit the area again.

A Staten Island man faces prison time for allegedly trying to steal the trendy SoHo Grand Hotel by filing phony papers with the city. Kouadio Kouassi tried several times to file paperwork that would have transferred ownership of the hotel to him. But the paperwork itself was one of the things that uncovered the scam and led to Kouassi’s arrest on December 29. “The documents were not filled out in a professional way or not filled out at all,” says Gill Hearn, commissioner of the city’s Department of Investigation. “It was just not the kind of filing you would see if it was a real commercial transaction.”

21 year old German Tobi Gutt thought he was booking a flight to Sydney, Australia and entered the wrong destination on a travel web site, ending up on the wrong continent. When he reached Portland, Oregon, he realized he was headed to Sidney, Montana. “I did wonder, but I didn’t want to say anything,” he explains. “I thought to myself, you can fly to Australia via the United States.” After three days in the Billings airport, he received cash sent by his parent & friends, so he could buy a new ticket to Sydney.