Sunday, December 21, 2008

Travel Safety Tips

Travel guides - source of useful information about the people and the customs of the country you’re going to visit. There are many good guides available in stores and on the Internet. But you must remember some general things that will help you avoid problems.

Learn key phrases in the language of the country you are visiting. Although residents of many countries speak some English, you’ll appear more confident, and people may be more willing to help you, if you try to speak their language.

Avoid touchy subjects in conversation. While part of the fun of travel is to exchange ideas with the locals you meet, remember that a friendly discussion on a subject such as politics, religion, and/or sex can escalate into an uncomfortable debate. If you do discuss such topics, it’s wise to first listen to others’ views rather than sharing your own.

Know what you can and cannot photograph. In some countries, it is illegal to photograph certain things (e.g., bridges, airports, religious objects, shrines). A good guidebook should warn you of such restrictions. If you are in doubt ask an official. If you wish to take pictures of local people, always ask permission first.

Do not carry, purchase, or sell any illegal drugs. Most countries punish those in possession of illegal drugs harshly. In any country, use of illegal drugs, and association with persons dealing with illegal drugs, invites danger.

Know the location of the Embassy of your own country. Embassy personnel can help you deal with most crises (e.g., reporting a robbery to the local police; obtaining medical or legal services, replacing a lost or stolen passport). It will be easier to replace your passport if you carry extra passport photos and a photocopy of the first two pages separately from your passport.

The key to a safe, enjoyable trip is advance preparation. Find out ahead of time what you need to know to ensure your safety and cope with unforeseen events so that you can relax and enjoy your trip. 


  1. Great post! "Key phrases of language should be learned"- its a real fact to avoid troubles of travel.
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