Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Safety In Zoo

Zoos always seem to tourists very attractive. Animals from visitors are separated only with a symbolical fencing or it is not absolutely. First it is very interesting, but then tourists forget about the safety.

It appears very simply to deduce from itself animals. So, in a zoo in CapeTown the ostrich has pecked the importunate tourist in an eye, and the kangaroo knocked out the photographer. The chamber has departed to one party, and the unlucky tourist - in another.

Favourite focus of visitors of zoos is to stick any large cat into a back with an umbrella that it was turned and looked, at last, in people eyes. In 2001 in the Russian zoo the boy sticked with a stick into a cell with a tiger. It has approached too close, and the tiger has rushed on a lattice in that place where there was a child. The boy tried to escape, but was hooked by clothes for the lock of a cell and has fallen into clutches an animal.

Similar, people do not realize at all, that in cells or open-air cages wild animals at all do not become safe. One unlucky woman wished to photograph a daughter near to the leopard and has put the girl closely to an open-air cage. The animal has there and then pushed a paw through rods and has hooked claws on a neck four-year-old girl. The child has been operated in the nearest hospital and this case did not become tragedy.

Feeding of animals in zoos leads to even more bloody consequences. In all zooes of the world it is repeatedly written on open-air cages: it is categorically forbidden to feed animals! First, because it is harmful to animals, in fact they have specially developed diet. And secondly, because it is unsafe for visitors, in fact predators have very fast reaction.

In a zoo-reserve of the city of Vuhan in China tourists carry on territory of dwelling of lions by the special bus. Despite of an interdiction, two tourists - mother and the son - threw chicken meat from windows of the bus to feed up the pride. Unexpectedly one of lions has rushed on the boy who has put out from a window and has strongly wounded its claws. Mother wished to help the son and too has suffered. In Novosibirsk tourist tried to feed a bear in a cell and has paid for this with her hand. 

Some travellers even climb to embrace animals. Especially "lovely" seem to visitors of zoos of the panda, but these predators very strictly protect the territory. So in the Peking zoo the 15-years teenager has got into an open-air cage of panda by name Gu-Gu and it have gnawed his both legs up to bones. By the way, the same the panda already once has successfully protected itself from an attack of the drunk tourist: Per 2006 the visitor has got to caress with «fluffy beast», but the panda has strongly bitten the man, having pulled out from its leg a piece of meat.

One more tragical case to with panda has occured in a zoo of the Guilin city. Panda Young-Young has bitten the tourist who has arrived in park with excursion and has got over through a two-meter fence around of an open-air cage. In interview the traveller has told, that simply wished to embrace the nice panda, and did not expect an attack.

But those who climbs to embrace lions, obviously wish to take part in struggle for the premium of Darwin for the silliest death. In Spain in a zoo under Alicante has suffered English woman which tried to hold a lioness: Having climbed up a 4-meter wall, traveller has stretched to it a hand. Animal has seized fingers and gnawed out all hand which has eaten on eyes of the shocked public.

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